We are the Popular Student Movement!

We are a self-organised, Maltese community of students with bright ideas for social progress – who are working towards national and international change.

Let’s connect


Let us develop a community, and resist individualism. We are one and whole!

We all have to study, work, we all need to eat and sleep. Yet, our current culture promotes everybody to be alienated from each other, to “compete” against our peers, to criticise the majority, to make ourselves god. At the end of the day, it is building barriers with our classmates, friends and overall community. We forget that is our families, those who work, it is our hard studying – that leads us forward. We depend on each other, whatever we like it or not. Those who prey on our hard work and steal our life energy, who tell us to “work harder”, those who send us in an endless cycle of wake up, work, eat, sleep; feast on division and indifference of us students. It is your choice whatever to submit to this system of exploitation or to break away from it.

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